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Is RV Travel Insurance Worth the Money?

Traveling with an RV you either bought or rented means you should consider purchasing RV travel insurance. You may wonder why you should buy insurance for your RV, especially if you don’t intend to use it that much. Perhaps more confounding is why you should buy RV travel insurance for rented RVs. There are plenty of good reasons why this type of insurance should be foremost on your mind before traveling in an RV.

The Bigger the Vehicle, the Bigger the Crash

When you think of an RV, you think of big vehicles on the road. They don’t seem to incur much damage in an accident. Yet, an RV can create a lot of damage in a crash.

The RV itself could be badly damaged in an accident where it slides off the shoulder down an embankment or is hit by a semi-truck. Otherwise, it can total a passenger vehicle on the road. Either way, you’re talking thousands of dollars worth of damage.

If you own the RV, you absolutely should have some type of motorhome insurance on it. If you are just renting the RV, the motorhome insurance should be the responsibility of the owner or business renting out RVs, but you’ll want travel insurance to cover medical and other costs.

Hit While Parked

It’s no joke, but people do manage to hit parked RVs. There’s a greater surface area on an RV and therefore greater likelihood that someone could hit your RV where you park it. If that driver doesn’t stick around to tell you he/she has hit your RV, you may have to file a claim with your RV travel insurance to cover the damages.

RV Travel Insurance on RV Ownership

If you use your RV or motorhome once a year or less, and you store it on your own property, travel insurance may be all you really need. This type of insurance just covers your RV when you travel. It generally covers everything you would expect insurance to cover and is comparable to insurance you would put on your RV all year long.

If you are trying to save money because you don’t use your RV a lot, then travel insurance for those that have RV ownership of a vehicle is the right way to go. You only pay for insurance to cover the period you expect to be traveling with your RV. Make sure you get enough coverage to cover any possible situation on the road or while your RV is parked.

Evaluating the Cost of the Insurance vs. the Expense of Damages

The one-time cost for RV travel insurance may seem high, but consider what it would cost you to insure your RV or motorhome all year long. Also, take into consideration what it might cost you if your RV is hit or hits another vehicle on the road. Tens of thousands of medical bills, vehicle damage, and/or property damage is enough to make RV or motorhome insurance look like a steal.

Want to purchase your travel insurance policy today? Contact El Monte Sales.

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